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Microsoft Internet Explorer was buried like a human being in South Korea

The Internet Explorer era has come to an end. On June 15th, Microsoft stopped full support for the web browser,…

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The New League Of Legends Champion’s Trailer Was Revealed By Riot Games

League of Legends' creators are still committed to releasing more new champions. This time, Riot Games debuted Nilah as the…

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Next week, the Epic Store will have these two free games available

It's that time again. The new free games were revealed on the Epic Games Store today at 5 p.m., as…

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Supraland, a colorful puzzle game, is available for free on the Epic Games Store

Isn't it true that it's not always about giving away expensive games? Thursdays have become routine over the last few…

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Sivir will be reworked in League of Legends in the near future: Damage is increased, but not lethality

The Balance Team of Riot Games is considering a Sivir update or mini-rework a few days following the release of…

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How to get the Founder Pack free skins in Overwatch 2

Blizzard has disclosed the existence of a Founder package for Overwatch 2 PvP, in addition to stating that the hero…

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Early Access for Overwatch 2 has been confirmed for the fall

Through a trailer, Blizzard Entertainment confirmed an appearance at tonight's Xbox & Bethesda Showcase, as well as an early access…

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